Sunday, December 30, 2012

How this whole thing started!

It was the first day of Fall Semester 2012. Kirsten Moffat and I walked into the Clarke Building building to a very distinct smell. We wondered what class that could be coming from? We walked into our International Health class and saw our teacher, Brother Watson making us some breakfast burritos. At that point we knew that if our teacher was going to make us breakfast on the first day of class it was going to be a class worth attending. He offered us burritos and of course I ate one. Just as the entire class was finishing our breakfast he put up a slide on the projector. It said..."What meat do you think that you just ate?" I immediately started feeling sick to my stomach considering all of the choices were pretty gross. It ended up being rabbit! I was completely disgusted!!! After getting over the shock of eating a rabbits Brother Watson started talking about the projects that our class was going to be a part of. He told us that these projects were going to be implemented in a little village in Abundancia, Paraguay. If we did our best on these projects some of us would have the opportunity to go this village. 

I got assigned to the rabbit project. I had the opportunity to learn how to breed, raise and care for rabbits. By end of the semester my group discovered that if this project was implemented in third world countries it could help solve major protein deficiencies. 

Towards the middle of the semester there was an information meeting regarding the trip down to Paraguay. Kirsten and I both decided that this is something that we wanted to do. With us deciding to go our teacher told us that we needed to learn how to turn rabbits into meat. One Saturday Kirsten and I went and harvested all of the rabbits I had raised. We learned how to keep it sanitary and properly cook the meat. It was an experience we will never forget. The chief of the village has to approve all of the projects we are going to implement. Hopefully, he accepts the rabbit project! 

For the past two months we have been applying for a passports, getting our visas, getting shots and buying lots of summer clothes. 

Our departure date is just around the corner. On January 10th we will board our plane and be on our way to a wonderful adventure. We cannot wait to serve the people of Paraguay! 

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